Building Successful E-commerce Strategies and Platforms.

Introducing our four-part series with Expert Marc van der Putten. With over twenty years experience in the Digital world and building successful e-commerce strategy solutions, Marc is now working as the Business Development Manager at STORM New Zealand. STORM has been using our StyleShoots technology for the last three years to elevate their digital channels. Join us for part one of this four-part series, as we talk building a successful E-commerce strategy and digital platfor20

About Marc van der Putten and STORM:

Following a 22-year career in digital design, consultancy and management roles you could just about call Marc a digital pioneer in the local market. He has built his career on getting
his hands dirty and constantly reinventing himself as digital has evolved. STORM is a very well-established brand in the NZ market with over 13 years of operational history and a loyal and diverse customer base. Marc’s role encompasses operational activities including digital and marketing communications, contributing to the development of new business and emerging markets. 

"One thing all marketers should know in New Zealand, is that kiwis love being rewarded. When you spend money and know you’re accumulating points, it means you become loyal and that you come back."

- Marc van der Putten, Business Development Manager at STORM